Geographic Coordinates

美 [ˌdʒiəˈgræfɪk koʊˈɔːrdɪneɪts]英 [dʒɪəˈgræfɪk kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪts]
  • 地理坐标
Geographic CoordinatesGeographic Coordinates
  1. Measurement Model of Digital Maps Based on Geographic Coordinates


  2. Design and implementation of general geographic coordinates transformation class


  3. A GIS is an information system based on geographic coordinates with advanced capabilities consulting spatial data .


  4. Research on Reversible Algorithm for Inter-conversion between Geographic Coordinates and Rectangular Coordinates


  5. The latitude and longitude system is probably the best known way to designate geographic coordinates .


  6. Based on the relationship between the geographic coordinates of the ship and the radio , the target direction could be ascertained .


  7. Its major features include synchronous array remote surveys for different geographic coordinates points with high signal to noise ratio , high resolution and good effectiveness .


  8. The geographic coordinates of every registry were determined artificially and the equations of trend-surface were established . 3 .


  9. Looking at the sample contents table , you can see that a country 's geographic coordinates and area are always given in the same format .


  10. In this paper , the geocoding technology which assigning geographic coordinates to the actual address is introduced to implement ETL with a system structure .


  11. In 1972 divers raised a gigantic foot from about the same location , although precise geographic coordinates were not taken .


  12. To solve the problems of difference geographic coordinates transformation , the paper adopts the methods of establishing general coordinate transformation class , and implements the coordinate transformation .


  13. By analyzing the theory of geographic coordinates and rectangular coordinates interconversion , algorithmic researches and completion of coordinate conversion programming has been discussed .


  14. In addition , the transverse angular rate can be decomposed into the yaw angular rate and pitch angular rate with the geographic coordinates of reference .


  15. While geographic coordinates can be used to represent point locations anywhere , they are not suitable for defining lines of appreciable length or computing distances .


  16. Therefore , this paper studies the actual geographical data to solve the TSP , and details a discrete PSO algorithm model based on geographic coordinates for solving the practical TSP .


  17. The Magnus web app takes on a rather small slice of this potential : it pulls and presents data related to geographic coordinates , times , and user accounts .


  18. Whether derived from address information , acquired by GPS devices , or otherwise generated , many databases contain geographic coordinates of point locations as separate numeric columns in a table .


  19. In the support of computer software and hardware , GIS can process spatial data by geographic coordinates or space positions , and can manage space data , research of effective space entities and their mutual relationship .


  20. Hydrologic Digital Earth ( HDE ) is a comprehensive model which contains a large amount of hydrologic information based on geographic coordinates . This model can handle different hydrological problems in a new manner .


  21. Secondly , then the article describes the key technologies of the system : GPS simulation , the conversion of the address and geographic coordinates , Baidu map operations , application installation and deployment and other difficult problems .


  22. In this paper , examples are given to show how to calculate from navigation positioning data the required variables and corresponding RMS errors which are used to work out Eotvos corrections , and the geographic coordinates of every gravity station .


  23. The main achievements are summarized as follows : ( 1 ) Conversion of the topography from geographic coordinates to Cartesian coordinates is performed through Gauss-Kruger projection . The tidal current numerical model for Bohai Sea is established under the Cartesian coordinates .


  24. Most of the electronic sea chart navigation systems available measure the geographic coordinates of a ship by the GPS ( i.e. global position system ), so that it is necessary for the electronic sea chart system to test timely the precision of the GPS by radar signals .


  25. For quasi-real-time method , the real-values of COG and SOG are calculated by Mid-Latitude , Mercator or Bowring sailing method , the geographic coordinates obtained from DGPS are taken as the original datum of the three sailing method s.


  26. The coordinate values represent latitude and longitude : " geographic " coordinates , not projected ones .
